Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionary company, having its branches in more than 50 countries and marketing its products in about 135 countries, established one of its production units in 1988

Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionary company, having its branches in more than 50 countries and marketing its products in about 135 countries, established one of its production units in 1988

Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionary company, having its branches in more than 50 countries and marketing its products in about 135 countries, established one of its production units in 1988


+91 95030-94040

Human Resources Management



Bhumika Services Ltd., one of the largest public sector companieof India, was serving more than 31 million customers. Along with its vast customer baseBSNL's financial and asset bases too were vast and strong. Changing regulationsconverging markets, competition and ever demanding customers had generated challenges for BSNLThIndore division of BSNL was thfirst in thcountrywhich faced competition in basic telecom services from 1998In spite of being a government department, Indore telephonehad tfacthe competition, and relentlesefforts were put in to improve the services and providworld­class telecom services tits customersAmong thvarious services offered by IndorTelecom19and 183 were two special services. 19provided non-metered enquiry serviceto obtain telephone numbers by simply giving the name of person/name of organization/ name and designation operson, or by giving address. 183 othother hand, was a non­metered enquirservice that provided similar services fodistant stationsThere were a large number of complaints related to these services. Complaints wereither directly forwarded to the district office by customers or raised during Telephone Adalats or pointed out by correspondents during press conferences, which were conducted quarterly. Complaints ranged from non-response, long waiting time to rude responses.

SBaheti took charge as Area Manager (North) oJuly 252001 In thIndore Division. Immediately after takinchargehe realized that speciaservicelike 197 an18required urgent attention athey were directly affectinthimage of the organization amongst customers. Since most othe complaintduring Telephone Adalatand press conferences werrelated to these services, Baheti wanted to reacthe root cause othe problemto solve it foreverIn this processhe looked at the background othemployeeinvolved in the special services and found that most of the employees were office bearers of various unions that were active in the organization. The problem was more complicated than it seemed to during interactions, the employees indicated that they were not to be blamed for poor services since they were facing a number of problems in providing services and senior officials were not paying enough attention to alleviate their problems. Defective handsets, non-operating telephone lines, disturbance in lines, jacks not making proper connections, fans and air conditioners not working properly and non availability of typewriter/computer terminals were some of the problems brought to the notice of Bahetby operators.

Further investigation revealed that in addition to these technical problemsthere were some Human Resource Management problems as well, such as frequent short leave, extended breaks, uninformed leave and indifferent attitude of employees towards customers. Baheti identified that despite technical problems, some operators were sincere towards their viork and tried their best to provide better services. To improve these services, Baheti decided to use multipronged strategies. Most of the technical problems were solved immediately, other problems that could not be solved at his level were forwarded to higher authorities and pursued rigorously. As the technical problems were taken care of, efficiency of sincere employees wenup. Moreover, Baheti also began regular interaction with the operators, appreciating their good work, listening to their problems and explaining them the;-iimportance of their jobs. The employees were made aware of the facts that B5NL did not enjoy a solmonopolistic position any more and had to compete with private players. So the laidback attitude towards customer complaints was not only detrimental to the imagof the organization, but also could lead to a reduced market share.

After gaining the confidence of operators, the next step was to motivate them. Towards this end, Baheti started announcing the best operator of the month and recognition wagiven to the operator by displaying his name on the board of honor. The criteria for award were minimum 200 calls attended per daand 20 daysattendance. In addition, based on last six months performance, three best performers were identified. Appreciation letters from Area Manager and General Manager were conferred upon these operators in a public function and prizes of their own choice were given to them. These efforts had a desired result and the performance of all the operators showed a marked improvement. The number of calls attended by some operators increased from 200 to 700 calls per day. Further, quick and polite response had reduced customer complaints. While reviewing the situationBahetwaquite contended to see a remarkable change in the behavior of operators just four months. He wondered whether this change was a permanent phenomenon or he would have to strategize further.


  1.     Discuss the long-term relevance of motivational techniques used by Baheti in the light of prevailing environment in the organization.
  2.      Had you been Baheti, what other techniques you would have used to improve the special services provided by the organization?


Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionarcompany, having itbranches in more than 50 countries and marketing itproducts in about 135 countriesestablished one of its production units in 1988 aMathura near DelhiIhad a workforcof nearl320 employees and sales turnover was more than Rs. 150 croresBeing a confectionarunithygiene was givethe upper most prioritto the extent that no one was allowed to enter the productioarea without taking bath anwearing sterilized clothes provided bthe company. The entire process waautomatic and required onlfood specialistand labor. In order to match the required standardsemphasis was given on traininand welfaroemployees on regular basisFacilitielike transportation were also provided since delaby ten minutes coulcause production losseathtimof shifchanges.
Over a period of time due to start and workersredundancy, it waobserved that problems like lethargy, absenteeism, violation owork practicewerincreasing. Absenteeism rate went up t1percentEmployees visited canteen for drinking wateand started gossiping durinworking hoursBuses did noarrive on time due to which production suffered. Operatorcame late and left shop flooearlwithout waiting for relieversEmployees were founhovering in administration building without anreasonIt waalso found that employees were violating personal hygiene standardsMalpractices were also reported with attendance procesand recordsThese activities were having negative impact on manageriaeffectiveness and performance of the unit. The management tried to take number of initiatives to overcome these problems. However, these initiatives seemed ad hoc solutions and did not serve thpurpose ithlong run.
In 1996, Alok Trivedi joined the companas Head of the Department H.RWhile facing these problemshe realizethat the causes of these problems werdeep rooted anrequired proactive approachHstartewith an approach called Employee Relation Auditdeveloped bhim, where everything was to be monitoredregulated and reported on regular intervalsHe along with his team prepared an action plan (Appendi1) and corrective measures were taken accordingly. Facilities of drinking water were arranged at 3 to 4 places in the production area which stopped employees from going to canteen for this purposeAction was taken against the late arrivals of the busesA proper time study was done and thewere given ten minutes margin so that they could report on time. Operators were frequently questioned and stringent vigilance was kept for amenities. Regular counseling was also arranged. A grievance register was also kept and effective grievance redressal was undertaken. Groups were formed called 'Pragati' groups for solving work related problems. Employees were frequently checked for ensuring their strict adherence tpersonal hygienstandards. For ensuring timelprocessing and printing of attendance records, training was given to al! line officers and production of records was made mandatory on shift basis.
It was further decided that based on this action plan an audit should be carried out at regular periods so that actual performance could be measuredFor quantification, a 5 pointscale 0- poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-good, 5-v.good) audit report was prepared featuring practices, criteria for evaluation, standardsobservations/comments and rating :Appendix 2). For example, in canteen criteria for evaluation there were food quality, menu, timings and unauthorizepresence of the employees in the kitchen. The standards were strict adherence to the rules defined. For transportation, arrival, departure and punching of cards by drivers were the criteria for evaluationInternal teams of auditors were asked to observe and comment against the set standards and give the rating accordingly. Performance vas evaluated on the basis of percentage, the highest point being 215. For example, if the total points scored on various parameters in a audit report was one hundred anfifty fivehen percentage score would be seventy-two (l55/215xl00 = 72 per cent). Thfirsaudi"as carried out in August 1999 and percentage of performance was sixty two.
In the year 2000, the performance rosto sixty-five per centProactive approach of solving le problems was adopted. For exampleregisters were maintained at different work areas, write down the complaintexperienced bemployees and action was taken by the concerned person. A complaint of tap leaking in a bathroom was recorded in register by a workman. It was attended by a supervisor in charge and he got it repaired immediately. At times these were reviewed and signed by H.R. department and the higher management. Due to these practices, a lot of improvement was observed. Better working conditions, increased productivity, rise in employees' commitment towards their goals and better superior -subordinate relationship could be seenI2001the percentage of the performance rose to seventy two. While reviewing the Employee relation auditAlok Trivedi was quite satisfied to note the steady though sloimprovement in the figures of performance.

Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionary company, having its branches in more than 50 countries and marketing its products in about 135 countries, established one of its production units in 1988
Triveni Foods Pvt. Ltd., a multinational confectionary company, having its branches in more than 50 countries and marketing its products in about 135 countries, established one of its production units in 1988

  1. Had you been in place of Alok Trivedi, what additional measures would you have taken?
      2. Critically analyze the Employee Relations Audit in the light of its contribution to self motivation of   employees.


In 1950, with the enactment of the Insurance Act, Government of India decided to bring all thinsurance companies under one umbrella of the LifInsurance Corporation of India (LIC). Despite the monopoloLICthinsurance sector was not doing well. Till 1995, only 12of thcountry's people had insuranccover. The need for exploring the insurance market was felt and consequentlthGovernmenof India set up the MalhotrCommittee. On the basis of their recommendations, InsurancDevelopment and RegulatorAuthority (IRDAAct was passed in parliament in 2000. This movallowed the privatinsurerin the market witthstop foreign players with 74:26% stakeXYZ- Moon life was one of the first three privatplayers getting thlicense to operatiIndia in the year 2000.

XYZ Moon Life Insurance was a joint venturbetween the XYZ Group and Moon Inc. of USXYstarred off its operations in 1965, providing finance for industrial development and since then it hadiversified into housing finance, consumer finance, mutual funds and now its latest venture waLife Insurance. Its foreigpartneMoon Inc. was establishei1858 anhad grown tbe the largest life insurance and mutual fund companin the U.S. Moon Inc. had its presence in Asia since the past 75 years catering to over 1 million customeracros11 Asiacountries.

Within a span otwyearstwelve private players obtained the license from IRDA. IRDA haprovided certain base policies like, Endowment PoliciesMoneback Policies, Retirement PoliciesTerm Policies, Whole Life Policies, and Health Policies. They werfretcustomize their products baddinon the riders. In the year 2003the company became one othe markeleaders amongst the private players. Till 2003totamarket share of private insurers was abou4%buMoon Life waperforming well and had the market share of about 30% of the private insurance business.
In June 2002, XYZ Moon Life started its operations at Nagpur with one Sales Manager (SM) and ten Development Officers (DO). The role of a DO was to recruit the agents and sell a career to those who have an inclination towards insurance and could work either on part time or full time basis. They were very specific in recruiting the agents, because their contribution directly reflected their performance. All DOs faced three challenges such as Case Rate (number of policies), Case Size (amount of premium), and Recruitment of advisors by natural market, personal observations, nominators, and centre of influence. Incentives offered by the company to development officers and agents were based on their performance, which resulted into internal competition and finally converted into rivalry.
In August 2002, ,a Branch Manager joined along with one more Sales Manager and ten Development Officers. Initially, the branch was performing well and was able to build their image in the local market. As the industry was dynamic in nature, there were frequent opportunities bubbling in the market. In order to capitalize the outside opportunities, one sales manager left the organization in January 2003. As the sales manager was a real performer, he was able to convince all the good performers at XYZ Moon Life Insurance to join the new company. As a result of this, the organizational structure got disturbed and the development officers, who were earlier reporting to the SM had started reporting directly to the branch manager. Now, nepotism crept in and the branch manager began reallocating good agents to his favorite development officersThe sales team of another sales manager became weak (low performer). Seeing the low performance of the sales manager and his development officers, the company decided to terminate their servicesAs the employeesturnover rate of the organization was more than the industry rate, the company had to continuously recruit sales agents as well as development officers to sustain itself in a highly competitive environment. The internal competition among development officers resulted into problems likehigh employee turnover and dissatisfaction. Hence the branch was not able to perform as per the benchmarks set by the company. Its performance was not even comparable to that of other branches of the same company.

In April 2004, the company faced a grave problem, when the Branch Manager left the organization for greener pastures. To fill the position, in May 2004, the company appointed a new Branch Manager, Shashank Malik, and a Sales Manager, Rohit Pandey. The Branch Manager in his early thirties had an experience of sales and training of about 12 years and was looking after two branches i.e., Nagpur and Nasik.

Malik was given one Assistant Manager and 25 Development Officers. Out of that, ten were reporting to Assistant Manager and remaining fifteen were directly reporting to him. He was given the responsibility of handling all the operations and the authority to make all the decisions, while informing the Branch Manager. Malik opined that the insurance industry is a sunrise industry where manpower plays an important role as the business is based on relationship. He wanted to encourage one-to-one interaction, transparency and 4iscipline in his organization. While managing his team, he wanted his co-workers to analyze themselves i.e., to understand their own strengths and weaknesses. He wanted them to be result-oriented and was willing to extend his full support. Finally, he wanted to introduce weekly analysis in his game plan along with inflow of new blood in his organization. Using his vast experience, he began informal interactions among .the employees, by organizing outings and parties, to inculcate the feelings of friendliness and belongingHe wanted to increase the commitment level and integrity of his young dynamic team by facilitating proper civilization of their energy. He believed that proper training could give his team a proper understanding of the business and the dynamics of insurance industry.


1.If you were Malik, what strategies would you adopt to solve the problem?
2.With high employee turnover in insurance industry, how can the company retain a person like Malik?


Petals Company Limited (PCL) was initiated in the year 1919. Since then, it had produced a number of brands which enjoyed customer loyalty. It had adapted well with the changing environment and had entered into a strategic alliance with the S & G Limited, the producer of personal care products. The new company Fragrance Company Limited Was formed as a result in 1993 with equity participation from S& G and Petals Company Limited. This company marketed the products manufactured by the PCL. This alliance had given PCL access to the latest international technology in soaps and detergents. Thus, Fragrance Company Limited was now ideally placed to offer high valueinternational quality products at competitive prices. It was already an exporter of toilet soaps, detergents and cosmetics. It was a private organisation headed by Dharamchand, with its company's headquarters at Mumbai and seven units all over the country with one of the units at FaridabadThe turnover of the company was Rs 900 crores. The company marketed the products using the latest international technology in soaps and detergents.

The organization structure was traditionally hierarchical with the senior vice president at the top of the management, the supervisory heads at the middle level and the workers at the shop floor. The company had 450 permanent workers, and 150 contract workers, with an average age of 32 yearsThe recruitment policy framed was to employ freshers. The various departments in the organization were: purchase, finance, systems, engineering services, excise and dispatch, operations and personnel department. The personnel and administration department were headed by Gyanchand and the functions of the personnel administration department were: recruitmentselection, training, counselingperformance appraisal, internal mobility of employees, negotiation With workers, fixation and implementation of rules and regulations regarding wages, salary, allowances and benefits to the workers. The philosophy of the company was based on Total Quality Management (TQM) and Kaizen. The company was highly environment-friendly and was oriented towards customer’s satisfaction.

Fragrance was facing aacutcrisis due to high rate of absenteeisamonits permanent workersThlosses were soaring high. There was loss in production, and high expenses and indiscipline were alsobservedThe personnel administration department conducted survein thyear 1998. Thefound that thrate oabsenteeism was about 20on aaverageThrules and regulations regarding leave were-12-1days of leave with pay, 7 days casual leave with pay, 5 dasick leavwith pay, extra leavwithout anpay. The benefits were provided as per the Employees State InsurancActThdatcollected revealed that 36% othabsenteeism was due to transportation problem, 48wabecause of the workers staying awafrom theifamilies52% due tfestivals, 32% dutfarming, 48on accounof alcholism, 80on account of social occasions/marriageand 76due to sicknesof familmembers.

The othefindings were that approximatel80% of thworkerwermarrieand thehachildren to look after and hence had greater tendency towardtaking leave, 8% oworkerpossessed duajob,e.g.driving foothersmechaniwork etc., so they felt that they could earn moron a particular dabremaining absent; 96% of the workers did nolike night shifts anthey remained absent from duty; 28of the workerwere not satisfied with the working conditions i.ecanteen facilities, drinking water, social and culturaactivities and cleanlinessIn 1998the company tried treduce absenteeism bintroducing conveyance allowance for attendance and night shift allowanceThe scheme calleInaamwas launcheiwhica worker who did noavail leavin three monthsreceived R200 per month. In­house training was imparted to workers In order to educate them about the consequences of absenteeism. They were also sent fo3-6 monthtraining tthe Central Board of Workers Education on rotation.

Counseling sessions werheld for the workers iordeto increase their awarenessThe companalso introducethe philosophy of workers participation in the management to increastheir involvement and commitmentowards the work. The practice of organizing picnics, festival celebration, informal get-togethers, and sports activities were also adopted to increase the commitment. Regularitwas made an important component of performance appraisal and promotion. After one year, Gyanchand was highlperplexed to seonlnegligible improvement in the report of the surveconducted bthpersonneadministratiodepartmentThe rate of absenteeism had dropped by onl3%, i.e. from20% t17% in spite of introducing thaforesaid schemes.


1.              What roldo the non-financial incentiveplay in motivating the workerand minimizing the rate of absenteeism?
2.What innovative solutions would you suggest to minimize the rate of absenteeism?


In the Year of the Youth, the author took up a research project on young industrial workersIt involved comparing young and old workers. Two industries producing the same machines at similar technological level were selected. One belonged to the private sector and the other to the public sector. While the latter was started a decade later than the former, it had achieved greater expansion. Both were located in the same state.

After we obtained necessary permission to conduct our study, we reached the mofussil town where the private sector industry was located. Before we could launch our study, as a matter of principlewe wanted to meet the General Secretary of the workers' union. The Personnel Department was not willing for this. On our insistence they called the union official. We talked to him for about half an hour but Personnel Department peoplwere all the time hovering around. So we fixed a time in the evening to meet him in the union office in the town. We visited the union office in the evening. The union was having problem regarding wage deduction of some workers who did not show up for overtime. The overtime notice was short and thehad not consented either, even then the management was threatening wage deduction for one week. The union could hardly do a thing' as they in the past had burnt their hands when they had to unilaterally call off the 106 day old strike in which even their Treasurer had committed suicide. They were scared to the extent that they had productivity linked bonus agreement for even 12% bonus. Moreover, a new minuscue union was recently started in the company.

We visited the new union's office next evening and held a long discussion. They asked forour suggestions. The union believed in legal battles more than agitations. After a visit to the industry the author visited the state headquarters of the new union. There every office bearer was surprisingly a lawyer. In the HQ we learnt that after we left, their union took out a procession and held a meeting in the temple. Perhaps this was the result of our discussion. While the older union was a prisoner of its past, the new union was free to write its own history. Workers' interests were being served perhaps by both.

1.Discuss merits/demerits of the role of strike, agitation and legal approach in union­management relations.
2.What role does mutual trust play in building union-management relations?

+91 95030-94040

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