What do you think of Glocer’s attempts to change the strategy and organizational culture at Reuters Was he on the right track Would you do things differently
What do you think of Glocer’s attempts to change the strategy and organizational culture at Reuters Was he on the right track Would you do things differently
+91 95030-94040
Attempt Only 4 Case Study
George David has been CEO of United
Technologies Corporation (UTC) for more than a decade. During that time he has
received numerous accolades and awards for his performance as a CEO. Under his
leadership UTC, a $343 billion conglomerate whose operating units include
manufacturers of elevators (Otis Elevator), aerospace products (including Pratt
& Whitney jet engines and Sikorsky helicopters), air conditioning systems,
and fire and security systems, has seen earnings grow at 10–14 percent
annually—impressive numbers for any company but particularly for a manufacturing
According to David, a key to
United Technologies’ success has been sustained improvements in productivity
and product quality. The story goes back to the 1980s when David was running
the international operations of Otis Elevator. There he encountered a Japanese
engineer, Yuzuru Ito, who had been brought in to determine why a new elevator
product was performing poorly. David was impressed with Ito’s methods for
identifying quality problems and improving performance. When he was promoted to
CEO, David realized that he had to lower the costs and improve the quality of
UTC’s products. One of the first things he did was persuade Ito to work for him
at UTC. Under David, Ito developed a program for improving product quality and
productivity, known as Achieving Competitive Excellence (ACE), which was
subsequently rolled out across UTC. The ACE program has been one of drivers of
productivity improvements at UTC ever since.
Early in his tenure as CEO,
David also radically reorganized UTC. He dramatically cut the size of the head
office and decentralized decision making to business divisions. He also
directed his accounting staff to develop a new financial reporting system that
would give him good information about how well each division was doing and make
it easier to hold divisional general managers accountable for the performance
of the units under them. He then gave them demanding goals for earnings and
sales growth and pushed them to improve processes within their units by
implementing the ACE program.
At the same time David has
always stressed that management is about more than goal setting and holding
people accountable. Values are also important. David has insisted that UTC
employees adhere to the highest ethical standards, that the company produce
that have minimal environmental impact, and that employee safety remain the top
consideration in the work-place.
When asked what his greatest
achievement as a manager has been, David refers to UTC’s worldwide employee
scholarship program. Implemented in 1996 and considered the hall-mark of UTC’s
commitment to employee development, the program pays the entire cost of an
employee’s college or graduate school education, allows employees to pursue any
subject at an accredited school, provides paid study time, and awards UTC stock
(up to $10,000 worth in the United States) for completing degrees. Explaining
the program, David states, “One of the obligations that an employer has is to
give employees opportunities to better themselves. And we feel it’s also very
good business for us because it generates a better workforce that stays
David states that one of his
central tasks has been to build a management team that functions smoothly over
the long term. “People come to rely upon each other,” he says. “You have the
same trusting relationships. You know people; they know you. You can predict
them; they can predict you. All of that kind of begins to work, and it
accelerates over the tenure of a CEO. If you have people bouncing in and out
every two to three years, that’s not good.”
According to Sandy Weill,
former chairman of Citicorp and a UTC board member, David has the right mix of
toughness and sensitivity. “When somebody can't do the job he’ll try to help;
but if that person is not going to make it work, that person won't be on the
job forever.” At the same time Weill says, “He does a lot of things that
employees respect him for, I think he is a very good manager. Even though David
is demanding, he can also listen—he has a receive mode as well as a send mode.”
makes George David such a highly regarded manager?
does David get things done through people?
evidence can you see of David’s planning and strategizing, organizing,
controlling, leading, and developing?
managerial competencies does David seem to posses? Does he seem to lack any?
In 1997 Michael O'Dell, the chief
scientist at World-Com, which owned the largest network of “Internet backbone”
fiber optic cable in the world, stated that data traffic over the Internet was
doubling every hundred days. This implied a growth rate of over 1,000 percent a
year. O'Dell went on to day that there was not enough fiber optic capacity to
go around, and that “demand will far outstrip supply for the foreseeable
Electrified by this potential
opportunity, a number companies rushed into the business. These firms included
Level 3 Communications, 360 Networks, Global Crossing, Qwest Communications,
World-Com, Williams Communications Group, Genuity Inc., and XO Communications.
In all cases the strategic plans were remarkably similar: Raise lots of
capital, build massive fiber optic networks that straddled the nation (or even
the globe), cut prices, and get ready for the rush of business. Managers at
these companies believed that surging demand would soon catch up with capacity,
resulting in a profit bonanza for those that had the foresight to build out
their networks. It was a gold rush, and the first into the field would stake
the best claims.
However, there were
dissenting voices. As early as October 1998 an Internet researcher at AT&T
Labs named Andrew Odlyzko published a paper that de-bunked the assumption that
demand for Internet traffic was growing at 1,000 percent a year. Odlyzko’s
careful analysis concluded that growth was much slower—only 100 percent a year!
Although still large, that growth rate was not nearly large enough to fill the
massive flood of fiber optic capacity that was entering the market. Moreover,
Odlyzko noted that new technologies were increasing the amount of data that
could be sent down existing fibers, reducing the need for new fiber. But with
investment money flooding into the market, few paid any attention to him.
WorldCom was still using the 1,000 percent figure as late as September 2000.
As it turned out, Odlyzko was
right. Capacity rapidly outstripped demand, and by late 2002 less than 3
percent of the fiber that had been laid in the ground was actually being used!
While prices slumped, the surge in volume that managers had bet on did not
materialize. Unable to service the debt they had taken on to build out their
networks, company after company tumbled into bankruptcy—including WorldCom, 360
Networks, XO Communications, Global Crossing. Level 3 and Qwest survived, but
their stock price had fallen by 90 percent, and both companies were saddled
with massive debts.
did the strategic plans adopted by companies like Level 3, Global Crossing, and
360 Networks fail?
managers who ran these companies were smart, successful individuals, as were
many of the investors who put money into these businesses. How could so many
smart people have been so wrong?
specific decision-making biases do you think were at work in this industry
during the late 1990s and early 2000s?
could the managers running these companies done differently that might have led
to a different outcome?
A handful of major players, compete
head-to-head around the world in the chemical industry. These companies are Dow
Chemical and Du Pont of the United States, Great Britain’s ICI, and the German
trio of BASF, Hoechst AG, and Bayer. The barriers to the free flow of chemical
products between nations largely disappeared in the 1970s. This, along with the
commodity nature of bulk chemicals and a severe recession in the early 1980s,
ushered in a prolonged period of intense price competition. In such an
environment, the company that wins the competitive race is the one with the
lowest costs. Dow Chemical was long among the cost leaders.
For years Dow’s managers
insisted that part of the credit belonged to its “matrix” organization. Dow’s
organizational matrix had three interacting elements: functions (such as
R&D, manufacturing, and marketing), businesses (like ethylene, plastics,
and pharmaceuticals), and geography (for example, Spain, Germany, and Brazil).
Managers’ job titles incorporated all three elements (plastics marketing
manager for Spain), and most managers reported to at least two bosses. The
plastics marketing manager in Spain might report to both the head of the
worldwide plastics business and the head of the Spanish operations. The intent
of the matrix was to make Dow operations responsive to both local market needs
and corporate objectives. Thus the plastics business might be charged with
minimizing Dow’s global plastics production costs, while the Spanish operation
might determine how best to sell plastics in the Spanish market.
When Dow introduced this
structure, the results were less than promising: Multiple reporting channels
led to confusion and conflict. The many bosses created an unwieldy bureaucracy.
The overlapping responsibilities resulted in turf battles and a lack of
accountability. Area managers disagreed with managers overseeing business
sectors about which plants should be built where. In short, the structure,
didn’t work. Instead of abandoning the structure, however, Dow decided to see
if it could made more flexible.
Dow’s decision to keep its
matrix structure was prompted by its move into the pharmaceuticals business is
very different from the bulk chemicals business. In bulk chemicals, the big
returns come from achieving economies of scale in production. This dictates
establishing large plants in key locations from which regional or global
markets can be served. But in pharmaceuticals, regulatory and marketing requirements
for drugs vary so much from country to country that local needs are far more
important than reducing manufacturing costs through scale economies. A high
degree of local responsiveness is essential. Dow realized its pharmaceutical
business would never thrive if it were managed by the same priorities as its
mainstream chemical operations.
Accordingly, instead of
abandoning its matrix, Dow decided to make it more flexible to better
accommodate the different businesses, each with its own priorities, within a
single management system. A small team of senior executives at headquarters
helped set the priorities for each type of business. After priorities were
identified for each business sector, one of the three elements of the
matrix—function, business, or geographic area—was given primary authority in
decision making. Which element took the lead varied according to the type of
decision and the market or location in which the company was competing. Such
flexibility that all employees understand what was occurring in the rest of the
matrix. Although this may seem confusing, for years Dow claimed this flexible
system worked well and credited much of its success to the quality of the
decisions it facilitated.
By the mid-1990s, however,
Dow had refocused its business on the chemicals industry, divesting itself of
its pharmaceutical activities where the company’s performance had been
unsatisfactory. Reflecting the change in corporate strategy, in 1995 Dow
decided to abandon its matrix structure in favor of a more streamlined
structure based on global product divisions. The matrix structure was just too
complex and costly to manage in the intense competitive environment of the
time, particularly given the company’s renewed focus on its commodity chemicals
where competitive advantage often went to the low-cost producer. As Dow’s
then-CEO put it in a 1999 interview, “We were an organization that was matrixed
and depended on teamwork, but there was no one in charge. When things went
well, we didn’t know whom to reward; and when things went poorly, we didn’t
know whom to blame. So we created a global divisional structure and cut out
layers of management. There used to be eleven layers of management between me
and the lowest-level employees; now there are five.
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What do you think of Glocer’s attempts to change the strategy and organizational culture at Reuters Was he on the right track Would you do things differently |
did Dow Chemical first adopt a matrix structure? What benefits did it hope to
derive from this structure?
problems emerged with this structure? How did Dow try to deal with them? In
retrospect, do you think those solutions were effective?
did Dow change its structure again in the mid-1990s? What was Dow trying to
achieve this time? Do you think the current structure makes sense given the
industry in which Dow operates and the strategy of the firm? Why?
As with most fast-food restaurant chains,
McDonald’s needs more people to fill jobs in its vast empire. Yet McDonald’s
executives are finding that recruiting is a tough sell. The industry is taking
a beating from an increasingly health-conscious society and the popular film Supersize Me. Equally troublesome is a
further decline in the already dreary image of employment in a fast-food
restaurant. It doesn’t help that McJob,
a slang term closely connected to McDonald’s, was recently added to both Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and
the Oxford English Dictionary as a
legitimate concept meaning a low-paying, low-prestige, dead-end, mindless
service job in which the employee’s work is highly regulated.
McDonald’s has tried to shore
up its employment image in recent years by improving wages and adding some
employee benefits. A few years ago it created the “I’m loving it” campaign,
which took aim at a positive image of the golden arches for employees as well
as customers. The campaign had some effect, but McDonald’s executives realized
that a focused effort was needed to battle the McJob image.
Now McDonald's is fighting
back with a “My First” campaign to show the public—and prospective job
applicants—that working at McDonald's is a way to start their careers and
develop valuable life skills. The campaign’s centerpiece is a television
commercial showing successful people from around the world whose first job was
at the fast-food restaurant. “Working at McDonald's really helped lay the
foundation for my career,” says ten-time Olympic track and field medalist and
former McDonald's crew member Carl Lewis, who is featured in the TV ad. “It was
the place where I learned the true meaning of excelling in a fast-paced
environment and what it means to operate as part of a team.”
Richard Floersch, McDonald's
executive vice president of human resources, claims that the company’s top
management has deep talent, but the campaign should help to retain current
staff and hire new people further down to hierarchy. “It’s a very strong
message about how when you start at McDonald's, the opportunities are
limitless,” says Floersch. Even the McDonald's application form vividly
communicates this message by showing a group of culturally diverse smiling
employees and the caption “At McDonald's You Can Go Anywhere!”
McDonald's has also
distributed media kits in several countries with factoids debunking the McJob
myth. The American documentation points out that McDonald's CEO Jim Skinner
began his career working the restaurant’s front lines, as did 40 percent of the
top 50 members of the worldwide management team, 70 percent of all restaurant
managers, and 40 percent of all owner/operators. “People do come in with a
‘job’ mentality, but after three months or so, they become evangelists because
of the leadership and community spirit that exists in stores,” says David
Fairhurst, the vice president for people at McDonald's in the United Kingdom.
“For many, it’s not a job, but a career.”
McDonald's also hopes the new
campaign will raise employee pride and loyalty, which would motivate the 1.6
million staff members to recruit more friends and acquaintances through word of
mouth. “If each employee tells just five people something cool about working at
McDonald's, the net effect is huge,” explains McDonald's global chief marketing
officer. So far the campaign is having the desired effect. The company’s
measure of employee pride has increased by 14 percent, loyalty scores are up by
6 percent, and 90-day employee turnover for hourly staff has dropped by 5
But McDonald's isn't betting
on its new campaign to attract enough new employees. For many years it has been
an innovator in recruiting retirees and people with disabilities. The most
recent innovation at McDonald's UK, called the Family Contract, allows wives,
husbands, grandparents, and children over the age of 16 to swap shifts without
notifying management. The arrangement extends to cohabiting partners and
same-sex partners. The Family Contract is potentially a recruiting tool because
family members can now share the same job and take responsibility for
scheduling which family member takes each shift.
Even with these campaigns and
human resource changes, some senior McDonald's executives acknowledge that the
entry-level positions are not a “lifestyle” job. “Most of the workers we have
are students—it’s a complementary job,” says Denis Hennequin, the Paris-based
executive vice president for McDonald's Europe.
McDonald's current situation from a human resource planning perspective.
McDonald's taking the best approach to improving its employer brand? Why or why
not? If you were in charge of developing the McDonald's employer brand, what
would you do differently?
“guerrilla” recruiting tactics help McDonald's attract more applicants? Why or
why not? If so, what tactics might be effective?
London-based Reuters is a venerable
company. Established in 1850 and devoted to delivering information around the
world by the fastest means available—which in 1850 meant a fleet of 45 carrier
pigeons—by the late 1990s the company had developed into one of the largest
providers of information in the world. Although Reuters is known best to the
public for its independent, unbiased news reporting, 90 percent of Reuters’
revenues are generated by providing information to traders in financial
markets. In the 1990s the company used a proprietary computer system and a
dedicated telecommunications network to deliver real-time quotes and financial
information to Reuters terminals—devices that any self-respecting financial
trader could not function without. When Reuters entered the financial data
business in the early 1970s, it had 2,400 employees, most of them journalists.
By the late 1990s its employee base had swelled to 19,000 most of whom were on
the financial and technical side. During this period of heady growth Reuters
amassed some 1,000 products, often through acquisitions, such as
foreign-language data services, many of which used diverse and sometimes incompatible
computer delivery systems.
The late 1990s were the high
point for Reuters. Two shocks to Reuters’ business put the company in a
tailspin. First came the Internet, which allowed newer companies, such as
Thompson Financial Services and Bloomberg, to provide real-time financial
information to any computer with an Internet connection. Suddenly Reuters was
losing customers to a cheaper and increasingly ubiquitous alternative. The
Internet was commoditizing the asset on which Reuters had built its business:
information. Then in 2001 the stock market bubble of the 1990s finally broke;
thousands of people in financial services lost their jobs; and Reuters lost 18
percent of its contracts for terminals in a single year. Suddenly a company
that had always been profitable was losing money.
In 2001 Reuters appointed Tom
Glocer as CEO. The first nonjournalist CEO in the company’s history, Glocer, an
American in a British-dominated firm, was described as “not part of the old
boys’ network.” Glocer had long advocated that Reuters move to an
Internet-based delivery system. In 2000 he was put in charge of rolling out
such a system across Reuters but met significant resistance. The old
proprietory system had worked well, and until 2001 it had been extremely
profitable. Many managers were therefore reluctant to move toward a Web-based
system that commoditized information and had lower profit margins. They were
worried about product cannibalization. Glocer’s message was that if the company
didn’t roll out a Web-based system, Reuters’ customers would defect in droves.
In 2001 his prediction seemed to be coming true.
Once in charge, Glocer again
pushed an Internet-based system, but he quickly recognized that Reuters’
problems ran deeper. In 2002, the company registered its first annual loss in
history, £480 million, and Glocer described the business as “fighting for
survival.” Realizing that dramatic action was needed, in February 2003 Glocer
launched a three-year strategic and organizational transformation program
called Fast Forward. It was designed to return Reuters to profitability by
streamlining its product offering, prioritizing what the company focused on,
and changing its culture. The first part of the program was an announcement
that 3,000 employees (nearly 20 percent of the workforce) would be laid off.
To change its culture Reuters
added an element to its Fast Forward program known as “Living Fast,” which
defined key values such as passionate and urgent working, accountability, and
commitment to customer service and team. A two-day conference of 140 managers,
selected for their positions of influence and business understanding rather
than their seniority, launched the program. At the end of the two days the
managers collectively pledged to buy half a million shares in the company,
which at the time were trading at all-time low.
After the conference the
managers were fired up; but going back to their regular jobs, they found it
difficult to convey that sense of urgency, confidence, and passion to their
employees. This led to the development of a follow-up conference: a one-day event
that included all company employees. Following a video message from Glocer and
a brief summary of the goals of the program, employees spent the rest of the
day in 1,300 cross-functional groups addressing challenges outlined by Glocer
and proposing concrete solutions. Each group chose one of “Tom’s challenges” to
address. Many employee groups came up with ideas that could be rapidly
implemented—and were. More generally, the employees asked for greater clarity
in product offerings, less bureaucracy, and more accountability. With this
mandate managers launched a program to rationalize the product line and
streamline the company’s management structure. In 2003 the company had 1,300
products. By 2005 Reuters was focusing on 50 key strategic products, all delivered
over the Web. The early results of these changes were encouraging. By the end
of 2004 the company recorded a £380 million profit, and the stock price had
more than doubled.
technological paradigm shift did Reuters face in the 1990s? How did that
paradigm shift change the competitive playing field?
was Reuters slow to adopt Internet-based technology?
do you think Tom Glocer was picked as CEO? What assets did he bring to the
leadership job?
do you think of Glocer’s attempts to change the strategy and organizational
culture at Reuters? Was he on the right track? Would you do things differently?
+91 95030-94040
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